28 ACRES I-64 EXIT 125

Site Highlights
Up to 28 acres for lease off I-64, Exit 125 (Airport Road) in Beaver, WV.
The site borders I-64, the ramp for exit 125A, and Airport Road.
The site is located within a days drive of half of the U.S. population. Source: Visitwv.com
Borders I-64, a major east-west interstate highway, which has an average daily traffic count of 19,500 vehicles at Exit 125 (Airport Road, Beaver).
Located 5 miles from the intersection of I-64 (see statistics above) and I-77, a major north-south interstate highway, which has an average daily traffic count of 38,500 vehicles at Exit 40 (I-64/Lewisburg). I-77 and I-64 run together from this intersection for just under 60 miles before splitting again outside of Charleston, WV.
Located 1 ½ miles from Route 19 which as an average daily traffic count of 14,800 at the point it intersects Airport Road.
2 miles from the Raleigh County Memorial Airport.
Located within 12 miles or less of 3 area hospitals.
Beaver borders the town of Beckley, WV (population 17,614) and is easily accessible from Beckley either via I-64 or Route 19.
Beckley serves as a major shopping hub to Raleigh and its surrounding counties which have a population of approximately 300,000 people.
There are 12,305 people located within a 3 mile radius of the lease site, 37,427 within a 5 mile radius, 68,840 within a 10 mile radius, and a half a million people within a 50 mile radius.
Water and single phase power boarder the property, sewage is within 200 ft., and three phase power is within 300 ft.
Beckley has experienced tremendous growth since the beginning of 2012 and has the opening of several new businesses including: Olive Garden, Dickeys BBQ, Five Guys Burgers, Cheddars, Panera Bread, plus several locally owned small businesses. Three Sheetz gas stations were opened in 2011 and 2012 and a fourth one in 2014.
Site Description: This lease site contains up to 28 acres for lease off I-64, exit 125A (Airport Road) in Beaver, WV. The town of Beaver borders Beckley, WV (population 17,614) in Raleigh County and is easily accessible from Beckley either via I-64, exit 125 or via Route 19. Raleigh and its surrounding counties have a population of approximately 300,000 people and Beckley serves as a major shopping hub to Raleigh and its surrounding counties. The lease site is directly off I-64 exit 125, 5 miles from the intersection of I-64 and I-77, and 1 ½ miles from Route 19. I-77 is a major north-south interstate highway which intersects I-64, a major east-west interstate highway, just 5 miles from the site where the two run together for just under 60 miles before splitting again outside of Charleston, WV. CSX owns and operates an active rail line that runs along the southern part of Beckley and Beaver is home to the Raleigh County Memorial Airport which is located on 3,000 acres just 2 miles up Airport Road from the lease site.
Interstate Access: The site sits directly off Interstate 64, 5 miles from Interstate 77, and 1 ½ miles from Route 19.
Present and Potential Access: The lease site could easily be accessible from the 125A exit ramp or Airport Road and can currently be accessed from Orchard Hill Road.
Traffic Count: The lease site is situated along I-64E at exit 125A which has an average daily traffic count of 19,500 cars, is 1 ½ miles of Route 19 which has an average daily traffic count at the intersection of Airport Road and Route 19 of 14,800 vehicles, and is 5 miles off I-77 at exit 140 (I-64/Lewisburg) which has an average daily traffic count of 38,500.
Population Served: There are 12,305 people within a 3 mile radius of the lease site, 37,427 within a 5 mile radius, 68,840 people within a 10 mile radius, and 503,050 within a 50 mile radius.